Gage : Are you Jazzy Enough For Le Fishy?
I dont think so but I was still lucky enough to be graced by him.
Unknown : How much wood could a wood chuck chick if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
I dont know that wood chucks chick wood but im sure they could chuck alot of woods, i mean it in the name.
That Wise Pimpin Pimp : Yo Mr. J! It was fun meeting you! You're a pretty snazzy person, having your own business cards and website! You seem like a pretty pimpin' guy! Thanks for being the silly goose that you are! Don't ever loose your mojo, got it kid?
Anyway, guess I should ask you a question, what are your core values you believe in and try to follow?
Striving for growth as a person. Trying to improve and better myself in areas that may not be as valued
Sage : Why are you silly and also goose???
years and years of tiring tiring training.
Zachariah the 3rd: Whats ur opinion on ya boi?
Fire Fire Fire Flames Flames Flames
Riley Everett Richeson: Does it Stinky?
You tell me
Star_69: Why do you always have energy?
Drive, power...
Lily: Are you Fruity?
is there a cat in the box?
yo_Girl_kk_chika: How do you plan on solving world hunger?
One taco at a time
Noone: What are you scared off?
Im scared of large swarms of insects flooding my body
Colton: Who is your best bud?
It hard to choose one that is truly the best as I love them all equally.
Gavin 2: When is Le Fishy returning? also can I meet Le Fishe if he returns to sherwood?
I do not know of his return as he swam upstream sometime ago but if he does return I shall be sure to notify you
yo_girl_kk_chika: How do you plan on solving world hunger?
Open more Mcdonalds.
Josie :)) : What are your opinions on the sixth hour group?
I believe they are a jolly bunch of good ole chaps that I find rather favorable
Caleb: Why did you create this website?
So people could know more about me and get to know who I am, ya know?
5th Hour English class: If you had to pick one person from 5th hour to be stranded on a desert island with who would it be and why?
Rebecca, she could keep the crabs away.
Shrek: What is your favorite burger topping?
What I believe to be the best burger topping would be one you would most likely agree with. Onions I believe the flavor of a nice purple onion compliments a burger perfectly. Of course youll need all the other toppings in there but onions is definitly the most important.
Bo: Hi my name Bo pearson Hi
Hi bo my name is Jason.
Mystery: Why are you the way that you are?
Why is anyone the way that they are? That question is a big one, a broad one, and a mysterious one. There is are too many factors that go into the answer, whether is genetic or just a build up of all the past memories and life experiences. It is hard to know for sure why anyone is the way that they are.
Nahueloh: Whats your favorite yoga position?
Mountain Pose.
Mystery: What is your favorite Anime?
Wienerbutt17: Where is Clyde?
I... um... uh... i do not know where he is
Ken: Whats is your favorite Color?
I really like a nice combination of blues. Like the sky on a cool day or the ocean waves crashing over each other.
Jim Jimmerson: If you had to become an animal for a day, what animal would you choose?
If I could be one animals for the day I would like to be a bullet shrimp, but a bullet shrimp in captivity that knows its strength. From there I would break the glass and free my brethren.
DAT MANZ: Why did you do it?
I dont know. I really dont. Mainly because i dont know what I did